Sunday, December 21, 2008


Elite Quarterback...

I hear that a lot whenever people refer to Tony Romo's status as an NFL quarterback. I have to say something about these aligations.

Tony Romo is not an elite quarterback.

Sorry, I just had to get that out there early. I want to be very clear. Tony Romo being refered to as an elite quarterback is like when blasphemers say Kobe reminds them of Michael Jordan. All I am saying is that I disagree with what espn tells you and Skip Bayless tells you and here are my reasons, plain and simple:

1.) The Cowboys are America's team...
Now what does that mean? That means everyone's rooting for them. If they have a good reciever, he's the best reciever in the league. If they have a good tight end, they have the best tight end in the league, ect. ect. Romo is a good quarter back but his stats and his performances when it really matters (playoffs, games to get to playoffs, in 4th quarters...) will tell you very clearly that he struggles and has yet to be "clutch".

The second thing, is that the cowboys have a very good coach and I think that their offensive cordinator is the one to praise. I think that the last 3 games that the cowboys have played this season show that they can get a spark in the second half of games but I do not think it's because of Romo. The coach goes in at half time and tells them what's working and what isn't and the second half runs the correct plays accordingly. I think that any quarter back, from Orton to Shaub or Cassel and above could run the cowboys offense and have a better chance making the playoffs.

Wow... this was just something that I was thinking about after watching Romo's perfomance Sarurday night. I am sorry to offend anyone but if it makes you feel any better, Romo is on my fantasy football team and I have been following his performance all season and can't start him because of his inconsistancy.

In his defense, it could be his pinky or any other injury he may have and just isn't telling anyone. But if Big Ben can play an entire season with an injured throwing shoulder... I think Romo will be okay watching the playoffs in HD like me.

HD... it's in his DNA.... get it? Cause he's always just watching it in on tv... ok nevermind

1 comment:

JPL said...

well i must agree with you even Ray Lewis said that this offense was very predictable and simplistic. I can't believe they control their own destiny yet again. A gutless performance by the defense in the 4th quarter.